Sunday, December 16, 2007

Feets Warmers

May I present the Feets Warmers!

This was a very fun project. Essentially you make HUGE socks, then you felt them!

I put them thru one hot cycle with a big towel and pulled them out. I was almost crushed. There was no way theses suckers were going to fit on my feets! They were TINY like feets warmers for bound feet!. So I sat by the fire and delicately pulled them on my feets. They stretched very well! I propped my feets in front of the fire for a few minutes and they conformed PERFECTLY! I'm so happy with them and they were a snap to make! I feel more feets warmers in my future.

Question: What would happen if I doubled the strand? I want to make them extra thick. I wonder if this will effect the felting. Hmmmm might just have to try. They only took one ball of yarn. If it wasn't snowing and sleeting, I'd be off to the craft store!

1 comment:

pickayarn said...

Those are awesome! I will have to try thaT!