Monday, February 25, 2008

To the Creativity Cave Batman!

I'm taking this online course on creativity...

But first let me explain how I got there...

There's a great podcast that I subscribe to called hip tranquil chick. Its done by Kimberly Wilson, a DC area yoga studio owner. The pod cast is what inspired me to first try yoga.

For this class we're reading three books. Hip Tranquil Chick by Kimberly Wilson, 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women by Gail McMeekin and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. And it all sort of started with the Artist's Way.

Kimberly had mentioned in a pod cast ages ago. Then I read a reference to it somewhere else. Then it practically jumped off the bookself and into my lap at the bookstore. AND it has a Fuji-esq image on the cover. I bought the book and read a few pages and then had to put it away. I would be a lot of work and I wasn't quite ready for it yet. Then Kimberly had to go and create a class about discovering your creativity featuring this book. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.

So in the coming weeks I hope to offer reviews of these books and some notes on things I'm discovering. It should be a fun ride.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey there. I'm in the creativity circle too. Thanks for sharing about your blog! It's wonderful to browse through and get I feel like I'm really just getting started with mine. I love the photos!
